Thursday, January 15, 2015

Week One Storybook Favorites

One storybook I really liked was Sweet Dreams are made of these: Karma Bedtime Stories.
I picked this story because I always liked hearing my Mom tell me all of her bedtime stories.  It was really a special time that we spent together. I would also remember my brother would try to come up with outrageously scary stories because he knew that I loved scary movies. Needless to say, I would somehow always end up scared because of the bedtime stories he would tell me. Anyways I like how this storybook tells about how she tells different stories to her children. It is really humbling that it is a mother telling about the different stories that she tells her different children. It really remind me of how sweet childhood is.

The next storybook I really liked was Tales of Love. I liked how the story explained that falling in love happens many different ways.  It was basically saying that there is no cookie cutter way of falling in love. I really enjoyed how in the story with Dayamanti she decided that her husband was going to work for her love. She wasn't just going to marry anyone no matter how wealthy they are.  I  am a sap for love stories so I really enjoyed reading these.

The final story book I enjoyed was Delilah's Radio Hour. I was really interested in this story because it is an interesting radio session about two couples who are fighting and the radio host is wanting to get both of them on the air to figure out what is really going on. It is really intriguing to figure out what happens at the end. It's really a breathe of fresh air that they end up working out their fight on a live radio station.

1 comment:

  1. For my extra credit blog post this week I decided to read your storybook favorites and was attracted to the first one, the bedtime stories one, because it gave me a great idea for my own storybook and I wanted to see how the author did it. I really love the setup of this storybook and I really enjoyed the introduction. I like how it gives a brief overview of all the stories she will be telling and you know from reading that brief overview exactly which story it is and how it will go (if you've heard the stories before, that is) and then goes on to tell the stories to her children. I don't think I would do it exactly like this, but something similar for sure. I like that her stories to her children are all giving good life lessons and helping to teach them what's right and what's wrong.
